Get your growing team on the same page

Therapyzen is perfect for teams of any size. Whether you are a husband-and-wife team or a multi-location group practice, therapyzen makes all aspects of managing your team a breeze.

staff members using therapyzen on their laptops

Getting to know your team with Therapyzen

Therapyzen is great for solo therapists, but when it comes to group practices, it's the bee's knees! Manage your staff effectively and have instant access to your team and their shared data. Use our library of reports to see how they are performing and identify trends in their client attendance.

Group practice staff management made easy with TherapyZen

The group practice oversight you've been looking for

Staff members consist of non-clinicians (administrative, schedulers and billers) & clinicians (therapists, interns or other professionals with access to client personal health information) .

Clients can view their own profile in the Therapyzen client portal

Client Reassignment & Sharing

As an administrator, easily reassign clients from one therapist to another in therapyzen. Therapists may also grant other therapists permission to view and share assigned client data.

Easily reassign clients to clinicians in TherapyZen

Enable & disable staff easily.

We take the security of your data very seriously. Administrators have full control over their team and can disable staff with ease - ensuring your data is not accessible to those no longer on your team.

Reassign & share client records for convenience.

As an administrator, easily reassign clients from one therapist to another in therapyzen. Therapists may also grant other therapists permission to view and share assigned client data.

Non-Clinicians Are Always Free!

Now and forever...

Set staff records to enable or disabled in TherapyZen

Still have questions?

  • Give us a call to find out more at (833) 936-4968.
  • Schedule a demo with one of our fantastic trainers.
  • Send us an email and we'll respond as fast as humanly possible.
  • Sign up for a free 14-day trial. It takes less than 2 minutes and no credit card required.